Rumor has it Miami is a terrible place for single people. My girl friends say so. My guy friends say so. Heck, even this article says so. For a city with nearly 500,000 residents and 15.7 million visitors, you would think finding a partner would be like shooting fish in a barrel. However, based on the feedback I hear from all of you, if you're looking for love, Miami is not where you want to be.
Over the last two years, I have been conducting a pretty informal observational study of why I think Miami's dating scene leaves a lot of room for improvement. Rather than launch into the War and Peace-length tirade I know I am capable of, I plan to tell you the key to improving your chances at finding love—or at least have a good time looking for it. (That said, if you are interested in hearing my thesis over drinks, prepare your liver and then reach out to me. I've organized my thoughts into a coherent, albeit long argument with supporting evidence, statistics and the works.)