Monday, August 19, 2013

#ThankYouMiami for Creative Surfing Alternatives

Since I married a surfer who lives in Miami, I have quickly learned that if you surf and you live here, you have to be extremely creative. Otherwise, you will slowly lose it - because it is more often flat than not.

Once in a while, when the conditions are just right (i.e., South Florida gets a hurricane or some storm swell), South Beach can get like this or better:

But, most of the year, South Beach looks like this:

Don't get me wrong. These are very enjoyable conditions for the typical beach-goer who is looking to lounge seaside and maybe take a dip once or twice if it gets too hot. It is also a suitable situation for the few locals who have somehow managed to fit stand-up paddleboards in their closet-sized South Beach apartments. But when it's flat, I know my husband will likely be moody and that I am responsible for finding him a minimum of five alternate activities to keep him entertained.

That is why I #ThankYouMiami that the local surfing community is extremely creative. In a strike of genius, Miami surfers have resorted to surfing in innovative ways that do not depend on weather-made waves. Enter skurfing and wave pool surfing.

is the love child of surfing and water skiing, where you are towed on a surfboard behind a boat. To skurf, you will need a surfboard, a ski rope, and the Florida staple: a friend with a boat. I was too scared to partake during the boys' last skurfing session (so I can't tell you how it feels to do it), but I did manage to capture some rad pictures for your viewing enjoyment:

Wave Pool Surfing is similar to regular surfing, but it takes place in an enclosed environment that smells strongly of your local community pool. Some aspects of wave pool surfing that the boys enjoyed after their last session at Typhoon Lagoon in Orlando are: surfing in a less crowded environment; having a guaranteed number of waves; and, knowing that each wave will be fairly consistent. The draw-backs: knowing you have a limited number of waves; potentially falling on concrete when you wipe out; having to share the A-frames; and, realizing your board bag smells of chlorine the day after.

Are you a Miami surfer? What creative surf alternatives do you or your  friends partake in when there are no waves in Miami? Leave a comment below or send me a tweet @ThankYouMiami!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

3 Reasons Why I #ThankYouMiami: The 2 Year Review

Today, August 8, 2013, marks the 2 year anniversary of Thank You, Miami. And, looking back, I have a lot for which to be thankful. So I Thank You, Miami for these past 2 years and for these 3 reasons because no other city delivers quite like you:

1. #ThankYouMiami for terrible Miami drivers.

Terrible Miami drivers (AKA 99% of the Miami population) are high on the list of issues I rant about the most because I swear they age me 5 years every time I get on the road. If the stress of sharing the road with them doesn't kill me, there is an unfortunately high chance that another Miamian's lack of driving ability will.

But, today I choose to #ThankYouMiami for your terrible drivers, without whom driving would be infinitely basic. Without whom I would take for granted driving competence and overall common sense. And, without whom I would probably take my life for granted more often than not.

So, #ThankYouMiami for terrible drivers because, while they are a threat to our safety, they keep us on our toes. 

2. #ThankYouMiami for making me fight for what I want, but teaching me how to get it.

Before I moved to Miami, I lived by the motto of "It is what it is". I knew how to fight for what I wanted, but often allowed my interpretation of fate to determine whether or not I got it. I quickly realized once I moved to Miami that this type of attitude leads you to getting little, if anything, of what you want here. Even worse, everyone else knows how to get what they want and more for FREE.

Slowly but surely I have learned how to fight for what I want out of pure necessity. More importantly, I have learned how to get what I want - partially by taking a page from the book of other successful but morally-sound Miamians (yes, we exist) and partially by exploiting my feminine charm.

So, #ThankYouMiami for making me fight for what I want, but giving me the skills to do so. After all, I have to be able to hold my own if I want to continue to live here.

3. #ThankYouMiami for being the ultimate staycation.

Between the stress of dealing with terrible drivers and the stress of fighting to make it in this city, I sometimes ask myself why I enjoy living here. Then I look at my calendar and realize it looks like the Griswold's itinerary on National Lampoon's Hawaiian Vacation so I stop asking myself stupid questions.

We are surrounded by world-class hotels, spas, restaurants, shopping, and nightlife, not to mention we have one of the best beaches on Earth according to Travel+Leisure. It is easy to forget that not everyone on the planet has it this good. And that, few people outside Miami leave work on Friday afternoons with the promise of beach days and pool parties.

So, #ThankYouMiami for being the ultimate staycation, where I can leave work at 5:30 p.m. and make it to the Mondrian in time to enjoy a mojito poolside and watch the sun set over Biscayne Bay.

Biscayne Bay and the gorgeous downtown Miami skyline as seen from the MacArthur Causeway.
I really enjoy swapping stories with others about how awesome, but often frustrating it is to live in Miami. Do you have a reason to thank Miami or a story to share? Leave a comment below or sending me a tweet @ThankYouMiami!
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